A downloadable dungeon-of-revenge for Windows

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@anmrez
My website: https://anmrez.com/

In the village where our main characters live, a powerful fire broke out. It erupted simultaneously in several places late in the evening, when many of the residents were already asleep and did not notice how the fire spread.

The eldest sister, Yukina, was out hunting and noticed the raging flames coming from the forest. The younger sister, Miyu, was indoors receiving archery theory lessons from the guard leader and didn't realize the smell of smoke until it was too late. They both hurried to their parents' house as fast as they could, running into each other along the way, only to find that it was already too late - the house had collapsed, burying their parents.

Both of them started helping to put out the fire. By morning, they managed to extinguish it completely, and when the crisis subsided, grief struck the sisters with renewed force. After their emotions calmed down, they began to investigate the cause of such an unusual fire.

They learn that during the fire extinguishing, one of the villagers saw a stranger with red hair seemingly appearing out of thin air, who immediately started running away after being spotted. They also discover that there has been recent activity in the ruins of a nearby castle. Eager to seek revenge on whoever caused this, the sisters decide to venture into the dungeon despite the warnings from the villagers.


0.06.zip 152 MB
0.05.zip 141 MB
0.04.zip 106 MB
0.03.zip 110 MB
0.02.zip 75 MB
0.01.zip 33 MB

Install instructions

1) Unzip the archive:

2) Run: "Dungeon_of_Revenge.exe"

Development log